Thursday, March 26, 2009

More Spring Training

The Last Game of the Pre-Season
Surprise Stadium

Travis' Papa Ward is a huge baseball fan and keeps stats during the game diligently. It's pretty cool how he can keep his focus.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The Luck 'O the Irish

St. Patrick's Day and Spring Training! SWEET!

Mr. Eric, Karie, Trish, a friend of Trish's and Me
We enjoyed some pizza at Oregano's and then some baseball in Scottsdale

That is one big green beer, Trish!
St. Patty's is one of Trish's favorite Holidays

Friday, March 6, 2009

Where in the World is T...

Travis worked the Under 18 Championship in North Dakota in March 2009
For the past three years he's been invited to travel internationally for tournaments which has been really cool. It was nice, for once, not to have to remember a time change in the double digits, or try to figure out an international country code to dial to talk to him. It was also cool because he got to work and spend time with some good friends he doesn't get to see often enough.

Who could have a bad time with this guy?
The one and only Paul Carnathan

Laying the law down

Look who else was there - Uncle Reverend Motown!!
No doubt that meal and those beverages were properly 'graced'.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Gunnar update

Here's what Gunnar's been up to lately...

He's gone to work with me a couple of times and he's such a good dog.  We'll go say 'hi' to everyone and then he hangs out in his crate and sleeps while I'm working.  

As long as the blanket is there, there's a good chance he'll be a happy guy...

He got a new bed, and he's not sure if he likes it... just kidding, he loves it.  Again, the blanket is a key ingredient.  

He acquired a ball on Valentine's Day from Jake and he likes it a lot - tug 'o war is one of his favorite games.  

He's been riding in the car a lot and he's getting very good at it... 

Gunnar also goes to school every Wednesday, and he's one of the popular kids.  We're concerned that his social life may be affecting his grades though, and we might take away his cell phone.  If you hit up his cellie and doesn't get back to you quickly, it may have been confiscated.